
List of all projects

Amazon Seller Info Add-On

A simple add-on for the Firefox browser that displays the location of a seller on If the information is available then the country and flag will be displayed directly on the product page. Thus allowing you to actually see where a product might be shipped from.


In the past few decades an increasing number of pico- and nano- satellites were launched into orbit by universities and research institutes. For these satellites ground station networks were created to monitor and communicate with the satellites. Integrating these ground station into a large network offers great potential to increase contact times and further monitor and gather more data from the satellites in orbit. However such a network needs to be coordinated and scheduling the satellites to certain ground stations becomes an important issue. This problem of assigning multiple satellites to multiple ground stations is called Multi Resource Range Scheduling Problem (MuSRRSP). Software was created to implement different scheduling approaches for non-commercial ground station networks and to evaluate their performance for different scenarios. The work and software started out as my bachelor thesis and is currently being used and expanded upon at the University of Würzburg (Germany) with the help of Alexander Kleinschrodt and myself.

One_SGP4 C#

This library calculates the orbits of satellites via TLEs data from the web. Other functions for coordination transformation, time calculations and the calculation of contact windows depending on the observers coordinates on earth are also available. This library was created since I could not find a c# library with the necessary functions that I required. The calculations for the orbit propagations are based on the Space Track Report 3. Other Calculations for Time and coordination transformations were taken from Dr. T.S. Kelso website


Cell-Int started out as the equivalent to the GISC app for windows mobile 6 for Blackberry 10 smartphones. It is a simple tool to map, monitor and display all available information on the current logged in cell base tower. Displaying information lik: Cell-ID, Local Area Code, Signal Strength etc. Currently this application is not available on the Blackberry AppStore and is still incomplete with just minor features missing and bug fixes. Due to the latest development of the BB10 OS system however completing this project is not on my top priority.

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A database for Information on GSM-Networks to hold and visualize gathered information on cellular networks. This started out as the partner application for the Cell-Int and GISC apps to hold, store and analyses all the collected information of the cell tower scans. Displaying all the data visually on a map either online or offline using OpenStreetMaps. Currently this software is unavailable due to a hard drive crash containing the only backup and I am currently trying to recover the data.

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A windows mobile 6 app to display the currently logged in Cell-Tower information. It is a simple tool to map, monitor and display all available information on the current logged in cell base tower. Displaying information like: Cell-ID, Local Area Code, Signal Strength etc.


PolyJump is a simple android game using OpenGL and was developed as part of a student project at the University of Würzburg in under 5 months. The game itself is still unfinished and needs plenty of polishing however it is playable. In the future if I find the time I hope to complete the game and bring it to a more refined state. Also big thanks to Laura and Eugen that worked with me to develop this game.